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Coquito Ice Cream | Coquito Recipe

Coquito Ice Cream

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Seems like there is an increasing number of people who are interested in coquito ice cream. Here’s a coquito ice cream recipe which is definitetly worth a try. Enjoy the music and let us know what you think!


holywar911 says:

stop putting this on youtube… dominicas are going to copy us…. :-/

Pepecruz3 says:

Sube mas vídeos nos gozamos un chorro con tu estilo mucho éxito en todo lo que hagas para ti y los tuyos saludos!!!

mambosalsa101 says:

I wish the music in the back was lower really hard to follow with the music so loud!

vqscpo says:

Lo mas gracioso fue cuando menciono la cañiña de mono y el candungo !! !! BWAHAHAHA yo uso esas frases todo el tiempo !

Linda Davila says:

Looking for a recipe for spanish frozen treat called coquito. Vendors in the summertime sell from their carts in the Bronx, New York in the summertime. It’s like an italian ice, but it’s coconut ice. Te vendors puts it in a dixie cup. It’s delicious & have been craving this. Does anyone from the Bronx, New York have the recipe? If so, please e-mail to

envictoria81 says:

i love my puerto rican people…wepaaaaaa

ambarmarr1 says:

se me hizo la boca aguuuaaa!!!!!Bomba!!!!

Recon8412 says:

Semper Fi to you from the Gunny 22 yr in our Corps

diosabbath says:

Brother, acabo de ordenar ese apron de SGT Grit…awesome receta..Semper fi.

Recon8412 says:

You are write my friend. it makes a difference

Recon8412 says:

You are write my friend. it makes a siffernce

Dulce Agua Del Pozo says:

esto se ve rico y diferente gracias

HoneyLissaBee says:

All I understood was “Oreo”, “Iced Tea”, “Crystal Light”…then I got distracted and started watching other things. 😛

I think we have that same ice-cream maker though… or at least a similar one.

Recon8412 says:

Good stuff the Ice Cream taste out of this world just like Oreo cookie Ice Cream but with a Tropical taste

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